Travel Tips

How To Deal With Heavy Periods While Traveling

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Last Updated on November 3, 2022 by Rose Morah

There is nothing worse than being on heavy periods on a long-haul flight or on a long road trip.

On my first solo trip to Italy, I was intensely nervous about getting my periods while traveling. My periods are generally heavy and thus can easily ruin a whole travel experience.

I don’t know about you but, some of the major worries I’ve had in the past while traveling on my periods were:

What if I soak through my pad and stain my clothes in public?

Or what if I don’t find a waste bin or a bathroom to throw my tampon or pads?

So, how do you deal with heavy periods when traveling?

Well, I’ve discovered a ton of great ideas that ladies who share similar worries can benefit from.

This article will help you deal with heavy periods when traveling and have a bloody good time!

I probably should also point out that I have had my fair share of bloody trips and embarrassing moments while abroad.

Before we dive into tips for traveling with heavy periods, let’s first have a look at the common challenges faced by ladies who experience heavy bleeding when traveling.

  1. Leakage.
  2. Where to dispose-off the menstrual product.
  3. Embarrassing bloodstains.

So, how do you travel with heavy periods?

1. Wear period panties

From experience, wearing period underwear gives you peace of mind while traveling.

In case you haven’t tried them before, they feel and look just like regular underwear, only that these types of panties have a waterproof barrier to make sure you don’t bleed through them.

But before buying one, you first need to know how heavy your menstrual flow is.

This is essential because menstrual flow and cycle in women are different. Some are light, others normal, and others are heavy.

One other thing I love about period panties is the fact that you can choose from different styles: lacy thongs, ultra-femme, or gender-neutral boy shorts.

How long can you wear period panties?

You can wear a period panty even for up to 24 hours as long as there is not much leakage on the panty. And if you are traveling for an extended number of hours, go for great brands like Modibodi.

Modibodi comes with three layers:

  • The top layer allows you to stay dry by quickly absorbing moisture. This also helps prevent smell and bacteria.
  • The second layer absorbs and locks away fluid.
  • The bottom layer has waterproof protection.

Therefore, if you’re wondering whether you can wear period panties the whole day, the answer is yes.

Can you wear pads with period panties?

Yes, you can wear pads with period panties for extra protection, especially when traveling for long hours on heavy periods.

2. Use a menstrual cup

Menstrual cups are convenient, affordable, and comfortable. 

For those who may not be familiar with it, a menstrual cup collects menstrual blood. It can then be discarded or washed and reused. 

menstrual cups

The following are three main reasons why female travelers should use menstrual cups:

  1. If you experience heavy bleeding and you are traveling to regions where it would be hard to find sanitary pads/tampons.
  2. Menstrual cups are very convenient. Plus, they can stay for long hours before getting full since they hold more blood than tampons.
  3. Menstrual cups save space as compared to tampons and pads.

Quick Tip.

  1. If you are traveling to places with a water shortage, then be sure to carry enough water with you to clean the cup.
  2. If it’s your first time using a menstrual cup while traveling on heavy periods, then wear a period panty.

3. Avoid new sanitary brands or different types of tampons

If you are thinking of trying a different brand or type of pad/tampons, ensure that you first test them before traveling, especially if you experience heavy bleeding.

4. Carry enough sanitary pads/tampons

Be sure to carry enough sanitary pads/tampons before traveling. At times, it can be hard to access your usual menstrual product while traveling. So if possible, bring extra! 


Quick Tip

Don’t forget to carry panty liners.

5. Carry a travel-size stain remover

Carrying a stain remover can save you the embarrassment of period stains on your clothing while traveling. 

Here are three types of stain removers that you can use:

  • Spray remover
  • Stain remover pen
  • Stain-treating wipes

But also note that before purchasing any of these stain removers, first ensure that indeed they are effective in removing the bloodstains. Ensure also that they are safe to use on dry-clean-only fabrics. 

6. Carry hygiene products

Here are some of the hygiene products that you should consider carrying when traveling:

  • Hygiene sprays
  • Pot liners
  • Feminine wet wipes
  • Cleansing items

Check out the Best sanitary pads when traveling on your period.

Hygiene sprays 

When traveling while on your period, you constantly have to use public washrooms. This may expose you to the dangers of contracting diseases caused by bacteria or germs found in these public washrooms.

And that’s where the hygiene sprays come in. 

Most hygiene sprays kill 99% of these bacteria.

Pot liners

On to that same point, pot liners also act as barriers between your skin and the toilet seat. You thus don’t have to sit directly on the toilet seat. 

Feminine wet wipes

When you are on the move, you rarely get enough chances to take quick showers. The feminine wet wipes come in handy during this time.

These wipes are an excellent alternative for cleaning any menstrual leakage.

But it’s also important to take some extra caution when you’re using feminine wipes.

According to Jessica Shepherd, an ob-gyn in Dallas, you should not use feminine wet wipes to wipe the inner parts. This, in most cases, would lead to bacterial vaginosis or yeast infections.

Dr. Jessica Shepherd also advises ladies to avoid using feminine products if they are prone to vaginal yeast infections or have sores and lesions in that area.

Some quick tips:

Always go for feminine products that:

  • Don’t have alcohol
  • Are made from natural ingredients
  • Are free of fragrances and dyes

This will help do you more good than harm.

7. Carry washing and cleansing items

The washing and cleansing items will mainly depend on the type of menstrual product you intend to use while traveling during your periods.

For instance, if you’re using a menstrual cup, bringing some washing and cleansing items should be considered a must!

Additionally, you will get to wash/cleanse your hands before changing the pad. 

8. Drink plenty of water

According to Healthline, drinking plenty of water when you are on your period will help you in the following ways:

  • Stay hydrated
  • Move your cycle more quickly
  • Prevent the blood from thickening
  • Relieve backaches and cramps

Taking plenty of water will generally help you deal with heavy periods when traveling.

9. Wear comfortable clothes

Put on clothes that make you feel comfortable.

Since we are all different, what may be comfortable in me might horribly be uncomfortable in you. 

10. Carry disposable plastic bags

In conclusion, here is a summary of how you deal with heavy periods when traveling

  1. Carry enough pads/tampons
  2. Wear period panties
  3. Drink plenty of water
  4. Carry hygiene products
  5. Carry a travel-size blood stain remover
  6. Carry disposable plastic bags
  7. Carry washing and cleansing products
  8. Drink plenty of water
  9. Wear comfortable clothes

[Medical Disclaimer: The above content is purely meant only for educational and informational purposes. It is not intended to give medical advice or take the place of your physician. Readers are guided to consult their doctors for any specific health questions. Tripversed does not accept any responsibility for any possible health consequence of any reader following this educational content]

Hello there! My name is Rose. I’m passionate about electric cars and clean energy. My adventurous spirit and journalistic pursuits make each day fascinating and far greater. I consider traveling not just about the grandeur moments, but the little elements that transform the whole experience.